Guidance For Comments, Questions And Feedback
Although we don't have a forum you can make comments or ask questions, please note that these comments will be manually reviewed and possibly deleted.

They main reasons for deletion are comments that are profane, clearly stupid or are adverts.

Criticising the ideas on this site is perfectly acceptable provided that the criticism is well thought out and well expressed.

This section is a fairly recent addition as people have been sending private emails with compliments and questions.
Comments, Questions And Feedback.
Thu 11 Apr 2024 11:34:56
Feedback Awaiting Approval.

Feedback Awaiting Approval, this normally takes a day or so and is necessary to avoid advertising, obscene or pointless posts. :-)

Wed 28 Feb 2024 08:59:07
Feedback Awaiting Approval.

Feedback Awaiting Approval, this normally takes a day or so and is necessary to avoid advertising, obscene or pointless posts. :-)

Mon 15 Jul 2019 06:02:00
Extracts from a thank you email.

...Just a note to thank you for your excellent and informative website.... ... It confirmed my experience ...
The above is a couple of extracts from a general thank you, I found the site interesting, email sent to me.

Tue 09 Apr 2019 09:40:08
I don't really understand what you are saying.

Most of the pages just seem to be saying the same thing, buy for the short term.
I spoke to this chap and he is considering buying shares for the first time. Two things came up, he was uncomfortable with the reality of investing say £2,000 for a £200 return it seemed too much of a risk for such a small return and he didn't understand that some of what I was saying was answering questions that only occur to you when something has gone wrong.

In future I will be able to use Debenhams as a great example.
